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Tie it in front of a mirror! 

Give yourself a few extra minutes when tying a tie for the first time. Allow yourself time to re-tie the knot higher or lower until you get it the right length. Part of good grooming means paying attention to the details. Those who are important to you will notice and appreciate the effort. 

When slipping the broad end through the knot, push a loop through with your finger, then pull the rest through. This helps keep the knot together. 

Look for the spot on the tie where the narrow end becomes wider. This will often be the best place to pass the broad end over the narrow end. Try tying the tie with this widening section laying on top of the narrow end's knot spot. Even if it does not make the perfect knot for you, it gives you a good way of gauging the distance the second time around. 

The knot should stay snug on top of the collar button. A tie that is too tight will creep up the collar, not too mention reddening your face and making it difficult to breathe! A loosened tie looks sloppy and is a sign that you are not paying attention. 

"I followed the directions but it doesn't look right." Don't despair. Many foul-looking knots have been transformed by a little knot cleaning. This involves loosening the knot slightly, removing any wrinkles in the fabric, squeezing the knot into shape, and re-tightening it. Try it three times-- and then start again from scratch.  
When untying a tie never just pull the narrow end out. Simply follow the directions in reverse.

Source : mckinnonsc Edu


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