Science, Life And Fun 4 All

Place to share common knowledges you might never know

This is a simple science project I learned when I was a kid.

what you need:
- a mirror
- a glass / wash basin / rubber pool, and fill it with water
- wall / piece of paper

- put the glass under the sun
- put the mirror in the water
- reflect the sunlight to the wall or piece of paper
- enjoy your rainbow =)

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    • Don't smoke. Period. It increases free radicals, which lead to cell death, it wrecks your lungs so you can't exercise and it affects your social life.
    • Eat your essential fatty acids. The American Heart Association recommends you eat fish twice a week to get enough omega-3, omega-6 and DHA into the body. It helps cells be flexible and permeable and has been shown to be an important part of the cells of the nervous system, blood vessels and skin. That means they help with the wrinkles and the brains, isn't that perfect? Oily fish is the best, but not because it's deep fried with chips.
    • Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight is hard on the joints and it's hard on the heart that has to work overtime to carry the extra weight. Not only that, but fat can sit in nasty places like artery walls where it stops blood from getting where it needs to go. Heart attacks are not very youthful. Underweight isn't much better. Bones and muscles get robbed of building material to give the rest of the body energy. It wrecks your kidneys and can lead to early menopause and osteoporosis
    • Include lots of colorful vegetables in your diet, especially orange and yellow ones, which are a high source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant which means it can fight free radicals in the body. It helps the body's cells stay on a normal healthy path rather than wander off and die or become cancerous. Beta carotene also is converted into vitamin A, which helps keep your skin young and your eyes working.
    • Work your heart. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise is a workout that makes your heart muscle pump a little harder for a period of time. By keeping the heart muscle in shape, it is less likely to deteriorate. By keeping the heart muscle strong and pumping, blood pressure is lowered and blood flows to more places in the body. Blood flow to the skin, the brain and the digestive system, are healthy, youthful body attributes
    • Stay strong. Do weight training at least twice a week. Strong muscles lead to strong bones, which don't break as easily. Broken hips make you feel old. Strong muscles give you independence to do simple things like open jars and chop wood.
    • Balance. Balance deteriorates with age, but it can be trained and maintained. Practicing balance by doing yoga or dancing or even standing on one leg in the kitchen is great neuromuscular exercise. In other words it keeps the body and brain in touch. If you have balance you reduce your chances of falling and testing your bones for strength.
    • Think. Use your brain to learn, do crossword puzzles, math problems or simply read stimulating material. If you don't use it, you lose it. Research has consistently shown that older adults who are regularly stimulating their brains are less prone to mental deterioration.
    • Be young. Laugh, dance, visit, and explore new things. Attitude is everything.
    Source : E How
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    • Find your basal metabolic rate, which will tell you how many calories you need to consume per day. This will take about a week. You can find your basal metabolic rate online ( ). Take 15-20% off that number and eat that number of calories instead.
    • Choose the proper foods. Dieting has a tendency to cause you to lose as much muscle as fat. Consuming more protein and dieting at a steady speed (as shown in step 2) will minimize this. A woman might not care much about muscle tissue, but losing it will mean that you have to reach a lower body fat percentage to appear just as skinny as someone who kept their muscle. It also sabotages your diet because it makes your metabolism fall off. Consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This is higher than the recommended daily value, but it is far from dangerous. It will help you hang onto your muscle.
    • Balance your nutrients. The rest of your diet should be evenly balanced between fat and carbohydrates. Fat is not the enemy, and neither are carbohydrates. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats. Avoid refined and glycemic index carbohydrates. In general, avoid processed foods altogether. Don't eat fast food or food from restaurants. Don't eat anything with high fructose corn syrup or bleached wheat flour in it. Avoid "fake" sugars as well. Some claim they might affect insulin levels or affect the body in other ways.
    • Supplement your diet to some degree to meet the demands of a healthy diet. Take a multi-vitamin and get lots of water. You need healthy fats. There are certain essential fatty acids that your body cannot produce; they must be consumed. The best sources of these are salmon, walnuts, flax seeds (oil or ground, as whole won't digest) and fish oil caplets. Oils go rancid quickly, so be sure to refrigerate the oil and freeze any flax seeds. The best low-fat protein sources are skim milk, egg whites, and poultry. Some cuts of red meat are also very low in fat and high in protein. However, they are typically more expensive than their white counterparts. Tuna is also very good. As for carbohydrates, you can consume any low glycemic index carbohydrates you want (and some moderately high ones, too).
    • Divide up your meals so that you eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eating small meals gives your body time to digest and burn up your food or "fuel" at a steady rate.
    • Live an active lifestyle. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. The type of exercise you need will vary, depending on your body weight and physical health and well-being. Regardless, you should be doing a mix of both aerobic (fat-burning) exercises like jogging or interval training, and anaerobic(muscle-building) exercises like resistance or weight training. Anaerobic ensures your metabolism doesn't drop due to dieting while aerobic is best for targeting fat calories.
    • When you do reach what you think is good in this diet, stick to eating the amount of calories you can burn, so you will stay at the size you want.
    • Take one day each week to eat whatever you want.
    • Stick with it - there are no tricks to it. Remember how you learned to ride a bike? It took a lot of practice and willpower. First, you had to have training wheels, and then you had them removed and it was scary, but the whole time, you had a vision in your head of yourself riding a two-wheel bike. You looked around the neighborhood and saw other kids and adults riding bikes, and you thought "I can do that too." And you can. With a strong will to do something, anything is possible!
    • By the way, so called "fat burning foods" are typically all dairy products and vegetables. Vegetables don't give you many calories and contain lots of water. Celery does contain more calories than it costs you, which is a common misconception. Dairy products contain lots of water, and they have fat in them. The fat is not a good fat, but it tends to calm appetites. This is why Atkins has so much success - you actually end up eating less calories. Also, the insulin response caused by carbohydrates means that without them, your body has a hard time storing fat. For the most part, your diet will go just as fast with the same number of calories, but it will go a little faster if you don't eat carbohydrates and fats at the same time. This way, you don't have a tendency to store fat and then burn it later. You just burn it in the first place, which is more comfortable for weight loss and less tiring to most people.
    • Stick with the exercise, this guide just covers the harder part that many get wrong.
    • This is all to make you feel better. Remember that.
    • Make sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet. Studies have shown that if you're not getting enough fiber and you increase it to about 25 - 30 grams per day, that this may help you to lose weight.
    • keep an eye on your weight. Once a week step on the scales. This is hard evidence and will help you keep motivated. But take it easy and don't lose too much too quickly.
    • Don't reduce your calorie intake too much. Do not cut your calorie intake below 80% of your metabolic rate, because it can cause metabolism loss due to muscle loss, and trying too hard to conquer your instincts to eat can make it hard for you to stop eating.
    • When you do have your day to eat whatever you like, don't go overboard. Some people obsessed with calorie counting tend to go overboard during any stop in the diet, and this period is meant to prevent you from going overboard when you lost the weight you needed to lose.
    • Remember that if dieting is making you totally miserable, stick with the diet, don't get lax, but just don't be too extreme. You know it's working when you feel better.
    • Don't fall for any diet drugs. They're drugs, and so is heroin. Though not as addicting, they can be extremely dangerous.
    • Remember that carbohydrates are the substances that are foremost turned into bodily storage-fats versus essential fatty acids and proteins. There is no harm in reducing your carbohydrate consumption, though feeling sluggish can indicate that you are not eating enough carbohydrates.
    Source : Wiki How
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    Source : Internet

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    According to the report from psychologists, the sleeping posture of human being is closely related to their psychological state and personality.

    Below are 6 different styles of sleeping posture, see which one is your sleep style....


    A. Foetus Style
    Self-defence, a style of protecting oneself. Have extraordinary analytical power, not easily to expose oneself. Actually he or she may have strong feel of dependence.

    B. Semi-Foetus Style
    Balanced and stable personality. People sleeping towards the right side will do things very seriously, but his/her action may be quite slow. People sleeping towards the left may have a and will do things bravely.

    C. Prostrate and Worship Style
    This type of person have the mind to occupy the whole bed, hope to grasp all the things he/she wanted into one's hand. This type of person is conservative, not easily to handle things that are happened accidentally.

    D. King Style
    This type of person has stable psychological conditions. Have self confidence, open-minded and creative mind. This type ofperson always feel happy, easy to control one's manner.

    E. Criminal Style
    The major key point for this style is the ankle, because he/she looks like being locked by his/her ankle, so that the person is given a name of "Criminal". This posture shows that the person is being hindered by something in his/her mind. His/her worry is being reflected by one of his/her ankle is being put on another ankle.

    F. Sleeping Lion Style
    Posture showing that the person is refusing to sleep. This kind of person won't sleep long and difficult to fall into sleep, his/her conscious mind hope that he/she can be woken up as soon as possible

    Source : ThinkQuest Org
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    Illegal Drugs

    Illegal drugs are very dangerous because they can cause damage to an individual’s brain, heart, and other important organs. For example, cocaine which is illegal can cause a heart attack the very first time it is used. Also, when a person uses drugs that are illegal they are less likely to do well in school, work, and other activities. They have a hard time thinking clearly and tend to make poor decisions. When an individual uses drugs they often do irrational things such as driving under the influence which can be harmful to themselves and others.

    People use illegal drugs for many different reasons. Often it is to fit in with their friends or just because they are curious. Over all, the underlying reason a person tries drugs is to escape from reality. If they are sad they take the drug to make them feel better for a short time until the drug wears off and then they find that the problem is still there. Taking drugs has never solved anyone’s problems, however, it often creates new ones. The user becomes dependent on the drugs and finds they are addicted to it. There are many different types of illegal drugs. They included: heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, ecstasy, and meth. We are going to discuss each of these drugs below.

    Illegal Drugs: Heroin
    Heroin belongs to a group of drugs called opiates. Opiates are strong pain killers and are classified as depressants because they slow down the functions of the central nervous system. Heroin can be injected, snorted, or smoked. It usually comes in powder form and in different colors. It is illegal to possess, manufacture, supply, import, or trade heroin. Heroin can produce nausea and vomiting, as well as constipation and itching. At higher doses, the pupils of the eyes narrow to pin-points, the skin becomes cold, and breathing becomes slower and shallower. Long term use of street opiates (heroin) and the associated lifestyle may result in damage to the veins, heart, and lungs. Women may experience irregular menstruation and possibly infertility, while men may experience impotence. Because heroin is usually injected, there is a particular risk for the user. Sharing injecting equipment - needles and syringes, spoons, sterile water, filters, alcohol swabs and tourniquets - greatly increases the risk of contracting diseases like tetanus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.

    Illegal Drugs: Cocaine
    Cocaine is classified as a stimulant as it speeds up the nervous system. It is an addictive drug which comes from coca leaves or it is made synthetically and comes in the form of a white powder. Cocaine is highly addictive. The addiction can be almost immediate following the first use. Regular users almost always become addicted to cocaine. This addiction can cause problems with daily living including lying, stealing, flattened emotions, and problems with relationships. Cocaine is extremely dangerous and can cause death to the user. The effect of cocaine will depend on the amount taken, the quality, and the purity of the drug. Taking more of the drug may not increase the sensation, rather it increases the risk of overdose and negative health effects.

    Illegal Drugs: Crack
    "Crack" is the street name given to cocaine that has been processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a ready-to-use form for smoking. Rather than requiring the more dangerous method of processing cocaine using ether, crack cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water. It is then heated to remove the hydrochloride, thus producing a form of cocaine that can be smoked. The term "crack" refers to the crackling sound heard when the mixture is heated, presumably from the sodium bicarbonate. On the illicit market, crack, or "rock," is sold in small, inexpensive dosage units. Smoking this form of the drug delivers large quantities of cocaine to the lungs, producing effects comparable to intravenous injection. These effects are felt almost immediately after smoking, are very intense, and do not last long.

    Illegal Drugs: Marijuana
    Marijuana is primarily a depressant; however it may have hallucinogenic effects. Marijuana comes from the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. The effects of marijuana will vary depending on the individual and the mood they are in. It will also depend on the strength and amount of the drug being used. In combination with other drugs or alcohol, the use of now much stronger hydroponically grown marijuana produces disturbing feelings of paranoia, hallucinations, and other symptoms of drug-induced psychosis. Drug use can lead to social and emotional problems that can affect a person's relationship with families and friends. For example, one of the effects of marijuana can be loss of inhibitions. This may lead to a person saying or doing something they would not normally do, or taking risks which may put them in danger. Marijuana can also make people less motivated.

    Illegal Drugs: Ecstasy
    Ecstasy (also known as 'adam', 'e', 'm&m' or 'xtc') is a stimulant because it speeds up the functions of the central nervous system. Ecstasy is often mixed with a variety of different drugs, making it difficult for users to know what they are taking. It is dangerous to take other drugs in combination with ecstasy as little is known about these combinations. Using more than one drug also increases the risks of complications and serious side effects. It can lead to a number of serious physical and psychological problems. Ecstasy can produce a 'hangover' effect with symptoms including loss of appetite, insomnia, depression, or muscular aches. The effects of ecstasy vary from person to person depending on size, mood, gender, health, weight, personality, expectations of the drug, and previous experience with ecstasy.

    Illegal Drugs: Meth
    Meth is part of a group known as amphetamines. The effect of meth is that it stimulates the activity of certain chemicals in the user’s brain. Meth is classified as a stimulant drug. Meth bought on the streets is usually a white or yellow powder. Meth can be swallowed, injected, smoked or snorted. Use of any drug can damage your health. Meth is often of a very poor quality and a 'dirty' hit can make users sick. Of course the effects of meth will vary from person to person depending on mood, physical size, personality, gender, the way they use it, quality of the drug and previous history of use. The immediate effects last between two and five hours.

    Source : Drug-Rehabs.Org
    Image : Internet
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    Tie it in front of a mirror! 

    Give yourself a few extra minutes when tying a tie for the first time. Allow yourself time to re-tie the knot higher or lower until you get it the right length. Part of good grooming means paying attention to the details. Those who are important to you will notice and appreciate the effort. 

    When slipping the broad end through the knot, push a loop through with your finger, then pull the rest through. This helps keep the knot together. 

    Look for the spot on the tie where the narrow end becomes wider. This will often be the best place to pass the broad end over the narrow end. Try tying the tie with this widening section laying on top of the narrow end's knot spot. Even if it does not make the perfect knot for you, it gives you a good way of gauging the distance the second time around. 

    The knot should stay snug on top of the collar button. A tie that is too tight will creep up the collar, not too mention reddening your face and making it difficult to breathe! A loosened tie looks sloppy and is a sign that you are not paying attention. 

    "I followed the directions but it doesn't look right." Don't despair. Many foul-looking knots have been transformed by a little knot cleaning. This involves loosening the knot slightly, removing any wrinkles in the fabric, squeezing the knot into shape, and re-tightening it. Try it three times-- and then start again from scratch.  
    When untying a tie never just pull the narrow end out. Simply follow the directions in reverse.

    Source : mckinnonsc Edu
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    Step 1 :Flip the collar up 

    Button your collar at the neck. Then fold it up so that you can slip the tie easily around your neck. This helps you tie it in the right spot the first time, and also helps prevent wrinkling and stretching the tie fabric. 

    Step 2 : Adjust the length
    The standard neck-tie: Some people prefer the ends to be exactly the same length after you've finished. Unfortunately, ties usually come in one size only, so it's hard to say where the ends will meet up. A tie that only hangs to the belly-button looks cheap; one that hangs over your pants fly is also tacky. Even worse--when the broad end of the tie is outdistanced by the narrow end. Instead, the tip of the broad end should extend just to the top of your belt buckle. 
    • Sounds tricky? Fortunately, there's a good general rule to follow. To begin, drape the necktie around your collar so that the seam of the tie is lying along the collar. The broad end should be on the side of your dominant hand--if you are left-handed, the broad end should be on your left side. Now for the measuring trick: place the tip of the narrow end just above the fourth button down your shirt (the one above your navel), and eliminate the slack by pulling down on the broad end. Again, the tie seam should remain hidden in the back.
    • Another measuring trick is to let the broad end hang down twice as long as the narrow end. To check if you've done this right, fold the broad end in half up towards your neck. The folded portion should be equal in length to the narrow end.
    Step 3 : Tie the Four-in-hand knot
    This is the basic knot fashion. Master this one and you'll be prepared for most semi-formal events. 

    • Grasp the narrow end about three inches (8 cm) down from your neck with your nondominant hand. This is the spot where you will make the knot. Take the broad end with your dominant hand and pass it across and over the spot, and hold it there with your nondominant hand. 
    • Bring the broad end around behind the spot, then around and over again. Then pull the broad end behind the spot and up through the "V" at the top.
    • Let the broad end flop over and hang down. Now tuck it between the top wrap of the tie and the place you have been holding. Use both hands to straighten the knot and pull it tight. 
    • Pull the knot gently but firmly. Look at the tie in the mirror. Is it straight? Does the broad end hang down too far, or not far enough? Loosen the tie if need be, and readjust the length of the narrow end as needed so that your tie will be the proper length after the knot has been tightened. The Four-in-hand knot will be slightly larger on one side than the other. The knot should be smoothly wrapped, not wrinkled or folded over on itself. If you need to, take a moment to fuss with the knot so that it looks even and the rest of the tie hangs down straight. 
    Oh, and turn your collar down. Button down the collarbone buttons.

    Step 4 : Tie the Double Windsor Knot

    The Double Windsor takes its name from the double wrap that is part of its construction. Political and business leaders seem to favor this knot, along with foreign royalty. You tie it similarly to the Four-in-hand--just duplicate the single wrap of the Four-in-hand. It's a little more difficult to pull together in the tightening stage. So go slowly and be prepared to loosen the knot and re-tighten as necessary. Finally, the Windsor is a bigger knot; allow yourself a little more length on the broad end. 
    • Grasp the narrow end about two inches (6cm) down from your neck with your nondominant hand. This is the spot where you will make the knot. Take the broad end with your dominant hand and pass it across and over the spot, and hold it there with your nondominant hand. 
    • Now, pass the broad end around behind once, then out in front, then down through the top of the "Y" and back out to the same side again.
    • Wrap again the broad end across, behind and up through the back of the "Y." Let the broad end hang down, and then tuck it between the last wrap and the spot you have been holding. 
    • Pull the knot together gently. This is a crucial step with the Double Windsor. There are two actions here--tightening the funnel-shape knot, and then sliding that knot up to your collar. 
    • While the knot is still loose, remove your nondominant hand from the innards of the knot. Use it to grasp the bottom of the broad end. Then, while pulling on the broad end, use your dominant hand to squeeze and jostle the funnel-shaped knot into the right form. Make sure the first, smaller wrap of the knot doesn't slip down the narrow end. Instead, coax it into the larger outer wrap. Now slide the almost finished knot up towards your collar. At this point you can tighten the knot more firmly by pulling on the narrow end. Ideally there's a dimple created just below the pointed end of the funnel-shaped knot.
    • Look at the tie in the mirror. Is it straight? Does the broad end hang down too far, or not far enough? Loosen the tie if need be, and readjust the length of the narrow end as needed so that your tie will be the proper length when the knot has been tightened. The knot should be smoothly wrapped, not wrinkled or folded over on itself. If you need to, take a moment to fuss with the knot so it looks even, and so the rest of the tie hangs down straight. 
    Source : mckinnonsc Edu

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    Note: i posted this knowledge not as reference for abortion, but to remind how cruel we are...

    All of the following abortion techniques are carried out under the 1967 Abortion Act except for abortifacient drugs and devices, which are legally viewed as contraceptives.

    Abortifacient drugs/devices

    The morning after pill is misleadingly marketed as 'emergency contraception'. It is 50 times as strong as some forms of the mini pill and while it can act as a contraceptive by suppressing ovulation, it also works by making the lining of the womb hostile to the newly-conceived embryo, causing an early abortion. Other drugs and devices such as the IUD (the coil) and the mini pill are called contraceptives but can act in the same way as the morning after pill.

    RU-486 or misfepristone

    This is the fastest growing abortion technique in the UK. This abortion pill blocks the effects of the hormone progesterone that is needed to maintain the lining of the uterus. This causes the lining of the uterus to become detached along with the unborn child and is usually used with another drug, a prostaglandin, which helps to dilate or open the cervix (the entrance to the womb) and expel the foetus as in a miscarriage.

    Vacuum aspiration

    This is the most common abortion technique in Britain and is used in pregnancies up to 14 weeks. The cervix is dilated and a tube connected to a suction pump is inserted into the womb. The fluid around the baby is sucked out. Then the baby is torn apart by the force of the pump and sucked into a jar to ensure that the abortion is complete.

    Dilation and curettage (D&C)

    The cervix is dilated and an instrument called a curette used to scrape the developing child out of the womb. As with vacuum aspiration, all foetal parts must be removed to prevent medical complications developing. D&C which used to be the most commonly used abortion procedure is now not listed as a separate abortion procedure and is listed alongside D&E

    Dilation and evacuation (D&E)

    This procedure is used later in pregnancy (usually after 20 weeks) when the baby's skeleton and nervous system are well developed. After dilation, forceps are inserted to crush the body and remove it, piece by piece, from the womb.


    The use of prostaglandins is the most common form of late abortion in the UK. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances administered to the pregnant woman through an intravenous drip or directly into the womb. Between 12 and 24 hours later, contractions occur, causing the premature birth of the baby. To make sure that the baby is not born alive, abortion doctors may poison the baby by injecting potassium chloride into the baby's heart or urea or salt solution into the amniotic sac.

    Hysterectomy and hysterotomy 

    Hysterotomies are very rarely performed nowadays. The procedure is similar to a Caesarean section and the baby is removed, intact and often alive. Abortion by hysterectomy is also very rare and involves the removal of the womb along with the unborn child.


    Source : Spuc Org

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    10. Sweet Dreams
    If you were to ask 10 people what dreams are made of, you'd probably get 10 different answers. That's because scientists are still unraveling this mystery. One possibility: Dreaming exercises brain by stimulating the trafficking of synapses between brain cells. Another theory is that people dream about tasks and emotions that they didn't take care of during the day, and that the process can help solidify thoughts and memories. In general, scientists agree that dreaming happens during your deepest sleep, called Rapid Eye Movement (REM).

    9.Slumber Sleuth
    Fruit flies do it. Tigers do it. And humans can't seem to get enough of it. No, not that. We're talking about shut-eye, so crucial we spend more than a quarter of our lives at it. Yet the underlying reasons for sleep remain as puzzling as a rambling dream. One thing scientists do know: Sleep is crucial for survival in mammals. Extended sleeplessness can lead to mood swings, hallucination, and in extreme cases, death. There are two states of sleep - non-rapid eye movement (NREM), during which the brain exhibits low metabolic activity, and rapid eye movement (REM), during which the brain is very active. Some scientists think NREM sleep gives your body a break, and in turn conserves energy, similar to hibernation. REM sleep could help to organize memories. However, this idea isn't proven, and dreams during REM sleep don't always correlate with memories.

    8. Phantom Feelings
    It's estimated that about 80 percent of amputees experience sensations, including warmth, itching, pressure and pain, coming from the missing limb. People who experience this phenomenon, known as "phantom limb," feel sensations as if the missing limb were part of their bodies. One explanation says that the nerves area where the limb severed create new connections to the spinal cord and continue to send signals to the brain as if the missing limb was still there. Another possibility is that the brain is "hard-wired" to operate as if the body were fully intact - meaning the brain holds a blueprint of the body with all parts attached.

    7.Mission Control
    Residing in the hypothalamus of the brain, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or biological clock, programs the body to follow a 24-hour rhythm. The most evident effect of circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle, but the biological clock also impacts digestion, body temperature, blood pressure, and hormone production. Researchers have found that light intensity can adjust the clock forward or backward by regulating the hormone melatonin. The latest debate is whether or not melatonin supplements could help prevent jet lag - the drowsy, achy feeling you get when "jetting" across time zones.

    6.Memory Lane
    Some experiences are hard to forget, like perhaps your first kiss. But how does a person hold onto these personal movies? Using brain-imaging techniques, scientists are unraveling the mechanism responsible for creating and storing memories. They are finding that the hippocampus, within the brain's gray matter, could act as a memory box. But this storage area isn't so discriminatory. It turns out that both true and false memories activate similar brain regions. To pull out the real memory, some researchers ask a subject to recall the memory in context, something that's much more difficult when the event didn't actually occur.

    5.Brain Teaser
    Laughter is one of the least understood of human behaviors. Scientists have found that during a good laugh three parts of the brain light up: a thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. But it remains unknown why one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while another chuckles while watching a horror movie. John Morreall, who is a pioneer of humor research at the College of William and Mary, has found that laughter is a playful response to incongruities - stories that disobey conventional expectations. Others in the humor field point to laughter as a way of signaling to another person that this action is meant "in fun." One thing is clear: Laughter makes us feel better.

    4. Nature vs. Nurture
    In the long-running battle of whether our thoughts and personalities are controlled by genes or environment, scientists are building a convincing body of evidence that it could be either or both! The ability to study individual genes points to many human traits that we have little control over, yet in many realms, peer pressure or upbringing has been shown heavily influence who we are and what we do

    3.Mortal Mystery
    Living forever is just for Hollywood. But why do humans age? You are born with a robust toolbox full of mechanisms to fight disease and injury, which you might think should arm you against stiff joints and other ailments. But as we age, the body's repair mechanisms get out of shape. In effect, your resilience to physical injury and stress declines. Theories for why people age can be divided into two categories: 1) Like other human characteristics, aging could just be a part of human genetics and is somehow beneficial. 2) In the less optimistic view, aging has no purpose and results from cellular damage that occurs over a person's lifetime. A handful of researchers, however, think science will ultimately delay aging at least long enough to double life spans.

    2.Deep Freeze
    Living forever may not be a reality. But a pioneering field called cryonics could give some people two lives. Cryonics centers like Alcor Life Extension Foundation, in Arizona, store posthumous bodies in vats filled with liquid nitrogen at bone-chilling temperatures of minus 320 degrees Fahrenheit (78 Kelvin). The idea is that a person who dies from a presently incurable disease could be thawed and revived in the future when a cure has been found. The body of the late baseball legend Ted Williams is stored in one of Alcor's freezers. Like the other human popsicles, Williams is positioned head down. That way, if there were ever a leak in the tank, the brain would stay submerged in the cold liquid. Not one of the cryopreserved bodies has been revived, because that technology doesn't exist. For one, if the body isn't thawed at exactly the right temperature, the person's cells could turn to ice and blast into pieces.

    When you wake up in the morning, you might perceive that the Sun is just rising, hear a few birds chirping, and maybe even feel a flash of happiness as the fresh morning air hits your face. In other words, you are conscious. This complex topic has plagued the scientific community since antiquity. Only recently have neuroscientists considered consciousness a realistic research topic. The greatest brainteaser in this field has been to explain how processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences. So far, scientists have managed to develop a great list of questions.

    Source : live Science

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